Tristan and Iseut - Pierre D'espezel - ill Jean Chièze - With Shipment 1956 TBE
Tristan and Iseut - Pierre D'espezel - ill Jean Chièze - With Shipment 1956 TBE
- Very nice bibliophile edition, book in very good, very fresh condition, with autograph from the author, Rare.
Almost iconic dedication ! "Great but little exemplary history" interpretation
of modern moralism as to the fascination alleged western soul for adultery,
in opposition to the romanticism of the 19th century or the Middle Ages retaining the fidelity of the promise until death and freedom.
Pierre d'Espezel (1893-1959) Paleographer archivist. - Member of the French School of Rome.
Curator at the Medals and Antiques Cabinet of the National Library, Paris. - Secretary of the "Gazette des beaux-arts".
- "Tristan and Iseult Renewed from the manuscripts of Thomas, the two Béroul, and the "Tristan madness" of Bern, conferred with the "saga" of Brother Robert, with Eilhart of Oberg, and Gottfried of Strasbourg"
Legend of the Middle Ages, known by numerous versions, in verse or in prose, in the 12th and 13th centuries.
Tristan and Iseult are the most famous legendary couple in the West. Their illustrious history
the irresistible force of amorous passion, a force symbolized by the potion which makes them brave
the social order, and first of all marriage. It recounts the main moments of the legendary passion
which binds the knight Tristan and the wife of his uncle King Marc.
- “Pierre d'Espezel's Tristan and Iseult includes a preface by Jean Marx who, as an academic, cannot avoid polemics with the great elder. The terms are interesting:
Joseph Bédier, who, with such marvelous talent, endeavored to restore what he thought was
the first state of the poem, saw in it an essential theme: the struggle between love and honor, between love
and the social law, a sort of tragic romance of adultery. In our time we are tempted, without forgetting
this aspect, to find in the legend features and a whole much rougher, more barbaric,
closer to both Celtic antecedents and a less refined feudal atmosphere.
It is in this sense that M. d'Espezel brought together and translated with great art the authentic texts which make up
this book; they shed light on the legend which, for being new, is neither less striking nor less beautiful. »
Very nice work with minimal wear and tear.
- slight rubbing on the edge of the case
- minimal 1st flat edge friction
- mini hitch on the 2nd dish
- Fresh interior